Twitter is an excellent platform if, and only if, you’re able to be around to take advantage of the very time-sensitive nature of interaction on the site. It was, after all, designed for quick mobile engagements. However, simply using the …
Twitter is an excellent platform if, and only if, you’re able to be around to take advantage of the very time-sensitive nature of interaction on the site. It was, after all, designed for quick mobile engagements. However, simply using the …
SocialBro is the somewhat casual name of a company that started as a small newcomer to the social world back in late 2011. They started out life as a free app for Chrome and Adobe Air that essentially just scanned …
Hashtags on Twitter are incredibly powerful. Even just using hashtags – regardless of what they are – boosts visibility and engagement. They’re little value-added tags that bring both a bit of punch and a means of categorizing content.
There are, …
Twitter website cards are a specific kind of promoted tweet, one that comes with a handful of benefits to the businesses that use them. They aren’t broadly available to everyone; in fact, you can only access them through the paid …
One of the most popular strategies Neil Patel uses to grow on Instagram is to go out and like hundreds or thousands of photos that match keywords or use relevant hashtags. He details the strategy here. My question is, …
One thing every business does on Twitter is tweet about their blog posts when they publish them. There’s nothing wrong with that, other than it being the most basic, baseline strategy you could possibly use. If that’s all you’re doing, …
Twitter ads are paid ads, and paid ads have an attraction for all manner of businesses. Bob’s Shoe Shack wants to use Twitter ads to attract local shoe-needing citizens. Coca-Cola wants to use Twitter ads to promote the latest eSport …
Your Twitter account has two names associated with it. One of them is your username, which is the actual @name you use to log in, and which appears on your profile in light gray. It’s also what people use to …
Ever since Twitter opened up their verification process to public applications via form, I’ve been writing pretty much non-stop about it. It’s big news, and I’m not the only one that thinks so. Why is it, though? What’s the big …
This question comes up surprisingly often. People wonder; is their Twitter account worth anything? Could they sell it and profit, or would that get them in legal trouble?
This is actually several related questions. There are a lot of considerations …