One of the biggest problems with using Instagram as a business is how much of a “walled garden” it is. It’s a social network typically accessed via mobile device. You have to jump through hoops with a third party app …
One of the biggest problems with using Instagram as a business is how much of a “walled garden” it is. It’s a social network typically accessed via mobile device. You have to jump through hoops with a third party app …
Nonprofits are an interesting type of organization to me, as a marketer. They are in many ways businesses, with many of the same challenges and goals of other businesses. Yet they are limited in their actions by tight resources, regulations, …
One key on the massive keyring of success with marketing is accurate data tracking and analytics. You get a lot of this as a basic entry level setup just by using Twitter Analytics and Google Analytics, for Twitter and your …
Instagram is an interesting social network because it eschews many social media conventions and yet is still quite successful. It’s focused on mobile first, to the extent that you can’t even post from a desktop device. Where most social networks …
Twitter Money Bot is a piece of software with a wide array of features, recently – well, within a few years – updated to version three. They bill themselves as “the Best Twitter Marketing Software Ever”, which is a bold …
Twitter Lists are one of those features that have existed for years but are largely under-utilized. Even now, many of the people using them are doing so in a thin, automated way that doesn’t add much value to anything. It’s …
Twitter as a platform is known for its character limit, born of the old days of mobile messaging where 140 characters was all you could fit in a text. Back then, carriers basically used carryover bandwidth on phone lines to …
As you use Twitter, people will follow you. The more consistently you use Twitter, the greater the rate of growth will be. The more appropriately you use it, the better it will be. There are a million articles written about …
Twitter and Google have a bit of a rocky history. There was a time where Google was plugged into the Twitter feed directly, eating up terabytes of data and fueling a real time trends engine and search. Then Twitter cut …
Some people are incredibly, deeply into automation. They skirt the line between total automation and just-enough automation, and they do it deftly. The end result, when set up properly, is an automation scheme that appears fully natural and allows room …