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Are these real likes?

Yes! Each YouTuber who clicks "Like" on your video is a real person. We also guarantee all of our services for life against drop-off.

Are likes important to have on my video?

Likes are one of the main ways that YouTube determines of a video is engaging or not. If your video has a ton of views and zero likes, that may tell YouTube that a lot of people saw it but nobody actually likes it, which may hurt it's performance within YouTube's network. Not only are YouTube likes good to have for YouTube's algorithm, but they're beneficial for your social proof as well. The more likes you have on your video, the more likely your viewers are to like your video as well. YouTube gives preferential treatment towards videos that are well-liked and have great engagement, and having a positive like to dislike ratio on your video is half the battle.

How many likes do I need?

We recommend ordering a proportionate number to your video. If you have 10,000 views, then having around 1,000 likes would probably be sufficient. If your video is getting some dislikes or is being attacked, you may want to order a little bit extra to even out your like to dislike ratio. There's no right or wrong answer; you can always start with a small order and take a step back to evaluate. If you need more, you can always place additional orders in the future.

Are likes or comments more important?

They are both very important. If your video has hundreds of likes and no comments, that could look weird, unless you have comments disabled. If you have both comments and likes enabled, and you are purchasing likes, it's a wise idea to purchase comments as well. YouTube looks at both of these metrics when evaluating your videos, so it's a smart idea to have positive engagement on both of them.

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